Thursday, March 31, 2011

Snickerdoodle Cake

My awesome friend Alisa made this Snickerdoodle cake for church on Wednesday night. She made it into cupcakes, which seems way easier to me. I'm not a big fan of layer cakes. Let me clarify, I'm not a big fan of making layer cakes. They're never pretty. Actually, they're usually a disaster. She did say that she used a stick of butter instead of the butter/applesauce combination.

I must say, though, that I'm not sure this was appropriate for church. It was absolutely sinful! And the frosting! Oh, the frosting! The best part, at least to my waistline, was that one cupcake was enough. It's very sweet and super satisfying for that sweet tooth of mine. My husband wasn't able to make it to church this week and since he loves Snickerdoodles, I may just have to make it for him. This will definitely go into the Christmas dessert repertoire as Snickerdoodles seem very Christmas-y to me.


Because of a rather annoying and unexpected "side effect", I've had to close down my other blog. But, I realized that my favorite thing to post was recipes. So, I'm dedicating this one to my kitchen.

I love food.


I've said it.

And I'm proud of it!

And, my waistline will testify to it.

I have lots and lots of recipes and food finds and feel that I must share them. It just isn't fair to keep them to myself. And, frankly, I feel more comfortable when everyone else's waistlines are in the same shape mine is. :-)

In fact, I have at least 3 binders full of recipes. I have the fantastic one that's full of family recipes. My mom made it for me the first Christmas after I got married. Unfortunately (for my waistline), it's mostly filled with sweet stuff. It's where I found my cinnamon roll recipe. Funny aside: My mom has always bemoaned the fact that her cinnamon rolls never turn out like mine (and made me make them for family functions). While doing some Christmas cooking last year, I asked her where the shortening was. She said she didn't have any because she never used it. I asked her about the cinnamon rolls. Turns out, her cinnamon rolls don't taste like mine because she uses a different recipe!

I also have my "recipes to try" binder. It's fun to go through sometimes because there's stuff in there I've never even thought of and new twists on old favorites. I found my current favorite Enchilada recipe in there.

My other binder is the "tried and true" one. It has our current family favorites. And, of course, it's the messiest one. Hopefully, this little project will encourage me to go through and reorganize it. I've tried a couple of different ways of organization and haven't found one I like yet.